2009. október 25., vasárnap

1sdt vissza!

Sziasztok. Szánalmas, amit a stardoll művel:
Nem lesz többet 1stardollar/nap. Hát ez...
Nehogy azt hidjétek nem tehetünk semmit. SŐT harcoljunk:
1. stardoll.com/en/help/contact.php
2. Ezt a szöveget küldjétek el a stardoll-nak:

[lilla és ágí blogjárol.] <--rem nem baj.

Dear Stardoll Team:

I’m writing to you, because all the changes that happen to Stardoll just passed the limits! Just a few months ago, a new member could get 4 rooms, not just one and had a stardollar per day. I know you need money to keep the site fun and up to date. But, even if we pay, things keep growing expensive. There are a lot of people who don’t afford to pay a superstar membership, and now, these people have to leave Stardoll, because now, they can’t even afford to buy a dress with that 5 stardollars that they earn form the “Play& Earn” games. So I’m asking you to do something about this, because after all, we, the member made this site big and known!

Thank you,

/a neved/


Reméljük nem hiába tiltakozunk, lesz valami eredmény. Szóval gyerünk, mindenki küldje el ezt a levelet és lépjen be ezekbe a klubokba:

1stardollaraday és 1sd.protest [from:hungarianstardoll.blogspot.com]

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